
15 Sep 2020

ESCWA at Berlin Climate and Security Conference

Screenshot from the event

On 9 September, ESCWA participated in a webinar on “Data and Climate Security: How Climate Security Data Analytics Can Support Integrated Analysis for Sustaining Peace”, organized by the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) as part of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020.
ESCWA focused on the tools that it is developing to enhance the science-policy interface in matters of climate change. These include a risk assessment framework for the Arab region and an integrated vulnerability assessment, undertaken as part of the ESCWA-coordinated RICCAR initiative, and of the work of the Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies.
Panelists from the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) and the UK-based Conflict and Environment Observatory (CEOBS) shared work underway in Iraq and Yemen, respectively.
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