
26 Jul 2016

Beirut, Lebanon

ESCWA Assistance for the Jordanian National Statistical Strategy

ESCWA, through an advisory mission, is taking part this week in reviewing the National Statistical Strategy of Jordan, in response to a request by the Department of Statistics (DOS) and in cooperation with the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (Paris 21). The advisory mission held talks with several national stakeholders to review and assess the status of sectoral statistics and draft a national strategy that would help the Jordanian government put in place evidence-based policies, to implement economic and development goals and achieve sustainable development.

The strategy will help in defining a roadmap with goals, activities and responsibilities. ESCWA experts have also shared with DOS the updated guide for establishing the national statistics strategy and discussed the issues of promoting and developing statistical awareness as well as knowledge management and putting in place the right policies for the statistical system.

In the same line, ESCWA is also cooperating with PARIS 21 and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in establishing the national statistical strategy for Egypt. 
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