
19 Mar 2010

ESCWA and Hariri Foundation Sign MoU on Women Empowerment


ESCWA signed this week a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development to reinforce their joint work on gender issues.
The MoU was signed by ESCWA Executive Secretary, Bader AlDafa and Hariri Foundation Chief, MP Bahiya Hariri.
In his address on the occasion, AlDafa considered that this MoU represents a "major step in cooperation between ESCWA and Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development. It also highlights the special relationship that was born with the return of ESCWA to its permanent Beirut headquarters following a historic decision taken by late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and the firm effort to build a head office that was and still represents Lebanon’s international facet in the region."  
AlDafa recalled late PM Hariri, noting that his development aspirations and achievements will remain a reference to anyone seeking to make Lebanon grow.      
For her part, Hariri said, "About 20 years have passed since that historic moment that united the Lebanese national will, the Arab will and international friendships and turned Lebanon back to a normal peaceful country where dialogue, work and creativity had a role."
"It is not an exaggeration to consider that the presence of ESCWA in Lebanon was a major and promising sign to all Lebanese citizens, especially that the Commission chose the heart of the capital and of the country as its headquarters," she added.
The signing ceremony took place at the Taif Forum Building in Beirut, and it culminated in the launch of the Lebanese Forum for Arab Women in the same venue, chosen for its proximity to the ESCWA head office and other international, government and legislative institutions. Participants in the ceremony included regional directors of Arab and international organizations operating in Lebanon, in addition to civil, educational and women-related associations.
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