
21 Sep 2021

Entrepreneurship ecosystems in Lebanon

Webinar participant

On 14 and 16 September, ESCWA Technology Centre and the Centre of Entrepreneurship conducted two workshops on “Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Lebanon”, to help develop a roadmap for improving government agencies’ performance as drivers of economic growth, and assisting local entrepreneurs in accessing up-to-date data and knowledge.
The two workshops gathered representatives from different sectors in Lebanon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and examined the regulations that directly or indirectly impact the establishment of new small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the challenges faced by SMEs in the country in their access to finance and market, capacity building, and government support.
Participants agreed on a set of recommendations and solutions that can help guide the efforts to support national incubators and public enablers and cover the gaps in the Lebanese entrepreneurial ecosystem, and stressed the need to have effective communication channels between the public and private sectors.

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