
22 Sep 2020

Baseline mapping study for the energy situation of the building sector in Tunisia

Participants group photo

On 10 September, ESCWA, in collaboration with the National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) in Tunisia and the German International Cooperation for Development (GIZ), held a workshop aimed at discussing the baseline mapping study for the energy situation of the building sector in Tunisia.
Participants reviewed the study results which were approved by the main sector representatives in the country. These included members of the national taskforce of the project on “Up-scaling Energy Efficiency in the Residential and Services Sectors in the Arab Region”, implemented by ESCWA and partners in selected Arab countries.
This baseline mapping study will serve as a groundwork for the remaining activities of the project, which aims for improved energy efficiency in line with target 7.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals on doubling the global rate of improvement by 2030.

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