
7 Mar 2008

Arab Business Community and the WTO Agreements


       UN-ESCWA opened on 2 July the "Third Forum on Arab Business Community and the WTO Agreements", in Adnan Kassar Edifice for Arab Economy, Beirut. The event is held in collaboration with the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries, and the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

        Along the two-day discussions and deliberations, the meeting provided a summary on the progress achieved in the on-going trade negotiations on "The Doha Development Agenda" since the convening of the previous forum of this kind held in 2004, and to provide a platform for representatives of the Arab business community to discuss issues of concern in the context of the World Trade Orgnization negotiations.

In this context, the Forum concentrated, among other issues on the progress achieved in the on-going negotiations of the "Doha Development Agenda", and the major issues of concern to the Arab business community in the context of the WTO negotiations.

The meeting was attended by members of the Unions and Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries; members of the Joint Arab Foreign Chambers; representatives of the concerned Ministries in Arab Countries; Arab businessmen and businesswomen; International Organizations: World Trade Organizations (WTO); The United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD); the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); World Customs Organization (WCO); International Trade Center (ITC); and World Bank; Regional Organizations such as the League of Arab States; Arab Monetary Fund; Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization; Arab Organization for Agricultural Development; Arab Fund for Social and Economic Development, Saudi Development Fund, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Abu Dhabi Development Fund; and UN Regional Commissions.

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