
26 May 2017

Beirut, Lebanon

Ambassador of Egypt Visits ESCWA, Meets Executive Secretary

UN Under-Secretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Mohamed Ali Alhakim received the Ambassador of Egypt to Lebanon Nazih El Naggary, on 26 May 2017 at the UN House, Beirut.

Following the meeting, Ambassador El Naggary told the ESCWA Communication and Information Unit (ECIU): “it was a courtesy call, and an occasion to congratulate the Executive Secretary on his assignment as head of ESCWA.”

“We also touched on the general outlook of cooperation between Egypt and ESCWA, which tackles in a positive manner many development, social and economic issues. The Executive Secretary and I agreed to remain in contact here in Beirut on the projects and ideas of ESCWA, and in line with the vision and interests of Egypt with respect to the fields of work of the Regional Commission. I was very pleased to listen to his vision on this front,” Ambassador El Naggary added. 
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