
14 Sep 2021

Air pollution in West Asia

Air pollution

On the occasion of the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on 7 September, ESCWA discussed the need for an integrated approach for clean air and climate change mitigation in the region, during a webinar on “Air Pollution: Challenging Environmental Issue in West Asia”, organized by UN Environment Programme's West Asia Office, the American University of Beirut, and the Stockholm Environment Institute.
ESCWA emphasized that the Arab region has made the least progress on the SDG indicator 11.6.2 related to air quality, with the annual mean levels of fine particulate air pollution in cities in the region being considerably higher than the world average and above the WHO limits.
ESCWA also highlighted its role in addressing the impacts of climate change, conducting regional climate modelling, and promoting green innovative technologies.
Photo: iStock/heckepics

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