
12 Oct 2021

Access to information, key to development

Screenshot from the event

Access to information is key to promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability. On 6 October, ESCWA, UNESCO Cairo Office and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) organized a panel discussion on “Revitalizing Open Government: Informed, Engaged, and Empowered Citizens".
ESCWA stressed that Arab countries have made important progress in e-Government that would, in turn, enable progress towards realizing the Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and other related goals and targets, and emphasized the need to enhance openness and participation in decision-making, and develop specific policies or strategies for an open government.
Discussions also revolved around the key role of access to information in fostering strong institutions for sustainable development, and that of participatory approaches in advancing inclusive knowledge societies.
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