
15 Sep 2020

“A Conversation with Her Excellency Dr. Rola A. A. H. Dashti”

Screenshot from the virtual meeting

On 11 September, as part of its Haleh Esfandiari Forum, a series of virtual events focused on women’s empowerment in the Arab region,  the Wilson Center hosted “A Conversation with Her Excellency Dr. Rola A. A. H. Dashti” and Jane Harman, President and CEO.
ESCWA Executive Secretary underlined the importance of empowering women to achieve growth and development in the Arab region, adding that this was a shared responsibility among a wide range of actors. She spoke of her own experience of running for parliament in Kuwait, stressing the urgency to view women as candidates regardless of their gender to overcome hindrances to their political participation.
Dashti also touched on an ESCWA project comprising an enabling platform which can be used by women entrepreneurs to connect with the private sector and obtain funding. “When we finance women, we finance the future," she concluded.
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