
10 Apr 2017

Beirut, Lebanon

​ESCWA Concludes 12th Session of Statistics Committee

On 4 and 5 April ESCWA held the 12th session of its Statistical, at the UN House, Beirut. The meeting launched the first Arabic-language Gender Statistics Toolkit and eLearning module.
The opening session of the meeting saw two statements by Director of the ESCWA Statistics Division Juraj Riecan and President of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Ola Awad, delivered on her behalf by PCBS Director General a.i Muhammad Al Omari.
According to ESCWA rules of procedure, Qatar assumed the chairmanship of the 12th session, represented by Assistant Deputy Minister of Statistics Affairs in the Ministry of Developmental Planning and Statistics Sultan bin Ali Alkawari. Vice chairs were designated as Palestine and Kuwait, represented by PCBS Director General a.i. Muhammad Al Omari, and Director of Commercial, Agricultural and Service Statistics at the Central Statistical Bureau of Kuwait Khaledah Jumah Alkharraz, respectively. Egypt was designated as Rapporteur, represented by the Head of the Central Administration for Household and Service Statistics at the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt Hassan Taher Saleh.
The meeting wrapped with several key recommendations for statistics in the Arab region, namely work on the establishment of new national strategies to develop statistics and benefit from the 2030 sustainable development goals Agenda as leverage to their use, based on the guiding principles of the partnership in statistics for development in the 21st century (Paris 21).
For more information:
Press Release
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