28 October 2020

Webinar 1: “COVID-19 and the contraction in global and regional Value Chains: FDI and Trade impacts” and Webinar 2: “Toolkits to facilitate global and regional trade to support economic recovery"

  • Online meeting

The novel coronavirus has hit the economies around the world hard, restraining the flow of goods, services, capital and people. As a result, supply chains and production networks have been disrupted in addition to travel, tourism and retail trade which have been greatly undermined. This pandemic is set to take a big toll and appears to come at an inopportune time for firms whose margins have already been squeezed as results of the trade war. While it is still uncertain how wide and far-reaching the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic would be, depending on the adequacy and comprehensiveness of the policy response, its likely impact on Arab economies’ trade and FDI performance.

The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in collaboration with The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) is organizing two webinars.

The webinars will feature presenters from the organizing organizations on Wednesday 28 October 2020 at the below mentioned times:
1) Webinar 1: (10:30-12:00 Beirut time) Presents and discusses impacts of the pandemic on Trade and FDI in the Arab region.
2) Webinar 2: (12:00-13:30 Beirut Time) Presents tools for estimating, monitoring and evaluating the impacts of the pandemic on global and regional value chains.

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