26 October 2021

Beirut time


Third meeting of the High-Level Joint Water-Agriculture Technical Committee


The Joint Technical Secretariat of the Joint Water-Agriculture Council of the League of Arab States is organizing on 26 October 2021, with support from ESCWA and FAO-RNE, the Third Meeting of High-Level Joint Water-Agriculture Technical Committee (HLJTC) and that will take place virtually on the sidelines of 2021 Cairo Water Week.  

The HLJTC has adopted during the first meeting of the Joint Water-Agriculture Ministerial in October 2019 five priority areas for its work on agriculture and water (water allocation in agriculture, water productivity, efficient water usage, use of non-conventional water in agriculture, water-food- energy nexus).

As such, the objectives of the third HLJTC meeting are to review the action plan to implement the 2019 Cairo declaration; review the draft guidelines for sustainable allocation of water resources for agriculture; and discuss and identify the directions for the use of non-conventional water resources for agriculture in the Arab region. 

The recommendations of the HLJTC will be presented in the Second Meeting of the Joint Water-Agriculture Ministerial Council that will take place in November 2021 to obtain the directions for action on these issues through issuance of resolutions from the council.

Outcome document

The meeting report will be uploaded on the event page. 

Event details

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