24 May 2023

Beirut time


Solar energy workshop for students at the Jordanian German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy

Image of the participants
  • Jordanian German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy, Mafraq, Jordan
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ESCWA, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan and the Jordanian German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy, is organizing a workshop on renewable energy, women empowerment, rural development and the water-energy-food nexus. The aim of the workshop is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the Center’s students, with a special emphasis on women. It focuses on expanding opportunities in green jobs and strengthening synergies between the different economic sectors in rural areas. The workshop is part of training programme in Jordan, organized in the framework of the Regional Initiative for Promoting Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND).


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