24 June 2021

Beirut time


Side Event on “Women-led rural development through renewable energy”

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  • Online

Within the framework of the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy 2021, the Side Event on “Women-led rural development through renewable energy” is organised by ESCWA in partnership with ENERGIA, GWNET, and SEWA on the sidelines of the Ministerial Thematic Forum on Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions.

The side event is hosted with the aim to gather regional and international partners active in gender empowerment, rural development and renewable energy to share experiences and lessons learned from the challenges and opportunities facing gender empowerment and rural development. It will also explore the opportunities and solutions that renewable energy technologies can offer.

Event graphic


The side event’s main objectives are to:

  • Emphasize the importance of interlinking renewable energy technologies with financial mechanisms and capacity-building activities.
  • Enable the identification of synergies between the key sectors dominant in rural areas.
  • Synthesize recommendations that target the integration of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy as a central pillar of an inclusive and just energy transition strategy.

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