29 June 2021

Beirut time

Expert Group Meeting

Review of the 2021 Situation Report on International Migration in the Arab Region

  • Online


The Situation Report on International Migration in the Arab Region (SRIM) provides an overview of key data, policy developments and major trends in the area of international migration and displacement in the Arab region. The thematic focus of the 2021 edition of the report is on building back better for migrants, in a clear link to the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to other major crisis that have occurred in the region, which have had substantial fallout for the lives and livelihoods of migrants and refugees in the region.

This Expert Group Meeting (EGM) aims to bring together the drafting and coordinating teams from ESCWA and IOM, focal points from the members of the Issue-based Coalition on Migration in the Arab Region (IBC), as well as experts in migration and displacement to review the draft of the SRIM 2021.

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