29 September 2020

Preparatory Meeting for The Regional Workshop on the Exchange of Experiences on the Collection and Dissemination of Road and Railway Transport Statistics: Statistics on The Volume of Road Traffic (Vehicle-Kilometer)

  • Virtual

The Preparatory Meeting for The Regional Workshop on the Exchange of Experiences on the Collection and Dissemination of Road and Railway Transport Statistics: Statistics on The Volume of Road Traffic (Vehicle-Kilometer) was held on 29 September 2020 via TEAMS: from 11:00 to 13:00hours, Beirut time. Several representatives of national statistical offices (NSOs) from ESCWA member states as well as representatives from line ministries and other related entities took part in meeting.
The meeting agreed on the themes of the agenda of the Regional Workshop to Exchange Experiences in the Collection and Dissemination of Road and Rail transport Statistics: Statistics on the Volume  of Road Traffic (vehicles - km) to be held on 8-10 December 2020, and to agree on methodology of holding the meeting, especially in the light of  limitations arising from  holding the workshop virtually, the distribution of roles and responsibilities in the preparation of The
Regional Guideline on Statistics on the Volume of Road Traffic (vehicle-Kilometer); agreement on chapters to be included in the national working papers and the Regional Guideline; agreement on the modalities of work to be followed to formulate the Guideline. Providing ESCWA Secretariat with the national working papers and presentations in ample time before the Regional Workshop, and according to the dates that were proposed in the concept note of the Regional Workshop to ensure proper planning of the agenda was emphasized. The concept note can be consulted at the following link at ESCWA’s website : https://www.unescwa.org/our-work/economic-statistics
Results of the meeting can be consulted at the attached link to the meeting report at ESCWA website : https://www.unescwa.org/our-work/economic-statistics.  Pproceedings of the preparatory Meeting can be consulted at the following TEAMS link : https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/04681133-5fcf-42fa-8a79-af8081a9b868

Initiatives: Transport statistics

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