14-15 February 2023

Persons with disabilities: independent living within the community

  • Beirut
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In cooperation with Government of Malta and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ESCWA is organizing a regional conference to explore policies and programmes that support countries in ensuring the right of independent living for persons with disabilities.

The conference features research papers from European and Arab counties that were selected following a call for papers on achieving independent living and inclusion within the community for persons with disabilities. Discussions on overcoming challenges and opportunities to move forward are taking place, with presentations on national experiences from European and Arab countries.

This conference is the first event for the “Arab-EU Research Network on Disability”. The Network brings together policymakers, academics, researchers and institutions and acts as an interregional platform for knowledge exchange and capacity-building that promotes academic and policy research to achieve greater social inclusion for persons with disabilities.

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