19 May 2022

Beirut time

Regional Consultation

Parliamentarians dialogue on Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing

  • Online

ESCWA and the United Nations Population Fund Regional Office for Arab States are organizing a parliamentarians’ dialogue in the context of the fourth regional review process of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA).

The dialogue raises awareness about the MIPAA review and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience on the role of parliamentarians in implementing MIPAA objectives, on the challenges they face and on ways to enhance their contributions to ensure that older persons are protected from marginalization and exclusion, their needs are met, and their rights and dignity are safeguarded. Participants represent parliaments of 13 member States. 

Key messages will feed into the Secretary General’s report on the MIPAA review process which will be presented to the Commission on Social Development in February 2023.

Initiatives: Older persons

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