6 February 2019
Expert Group Meeting

National Consultation Meeting on the Regional Initiative for Promoting Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in rural areas of the Arab Region in Tunisia

  • Tunis, Tunisia

The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) is implementing the “Regional Initiative for Promoting Small – Scale Renewable Energy Applications in rural areas of the Arab region (REGEND)”. This regional initiative is Sida funded and is being implemented in collaboration with several regiopnal and national partners such as League of Arab States (LAS), line ministries, local authorities, related regional organizations and Arab Women associations, UN organisations, local and regional NGOs, Research institutions and Academia.
This project aims to improve the livelihood, economic benefits, social inclusion and gender equality of Arab rural communities particularly marginalized groups, by addressing energy poverty, water scarcity and vulnerability to climate change and other natural resources challenges in four targeted countries, including Tunisia.
In order to identify local communities where the project activities will be undertaken and engage key stakeholders in rural areas of Tunisia, a national consultation meeting took place with the collaboration of the Tunisian Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) and national consultants to discuss relevant components of the project national activities.
This meeting aims at collecting data and information at the rural level of Tunisia, determine the role of the stakeholders in the task force teams and identifying the opportunities, challenges and constraints for achieving social and economic equity in the targeted areas of Tunisia.

Initiatives: REGEND

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