10 May 2022

Beirut time

Regional Consultation

Multi-stakeholder dialogue on the fourth MIPAA regional review

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ESCWA and the United Nations Population Fund Regional Office for Arab States are organizing a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the context of the fourth regional review process of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA). It is accompanied by a dialogue involving parliamentarians from member States.

The present dialogue provides an overview of MIPAA, its review process and the progress achieved in preparing the national review reports. It also facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience on the involvement and contributions of various stakeholders, and discusses the challenges they face and the ways to optimize their engagement in MIPAA implementation, to ensure meeting the needs of older persons and advancing their issues and rights.

Participants represent rights-based groups, civil society organizations, the private sector, and United Nations agencies in addition to experts and academics.

Key messages will feed into the Secretary General’s report on the MIPAA review process which will be presented to the Commission on Social Development in February 2023.

Initiatives: Older persons

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