5-6 June 2024

Mainstreaming ageing in national policymaking in Yemen

  • Aden, Yemen
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In the framework of the technical assistance provided by ESCWA to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in Yemen to follow up on the implementation of the national strategy on older persons, ESCWA is organizing a workshop, in cooperation with the Ministry, on mainstreaming ageing in policymaking in Yemen. 

The workshop is aimed at raising awareness on the rights of older persons, as stipulated in relevant international and regional frameworks, and at building the capacities of participants to mainstream the issues and priorities of older persons in the public policy development process. The workshop utilizes an interactive approach and includes hands-on practical sessions on the process of integrating older persons' issues into existing development policies in Yemen, based on the ESCWA toolkit on mainstreaming ageing in policymaking.

Participants include representatives of various ministries and government institutions concerned with issues of older persons, in addition to representatives of non-governmental organizations active in the field of older persons' rights and welfare.

Initiatives: Older persons

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