14-15 September 2019
Expert Group Meeting

Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project technical meeting: Peer review of the three Baseline Studies' final drafts: Economic, Social and Governance

  • Tunis, Tunisia

The Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project is managed and implemented by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), thanks to a partial funding by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). It operates in partnership with the Libyan Ministry of Planning. The goal of the project is to provide and support a platform for Libyans to formulate, discuss, evaluate and advocate for a socioeconomic Future Vision to achieve stabilization and development in Libya.
The platform will base its discussions on evidence-based research produced by the project in its initial, normative phase. The first step in the project is to conduct three baseline studies on the state of the Libyan economy, society and public governance. The research will leverage ESCWA’s in-house expertise as well as wide range of Libyan experts, and regional partners and collaborators.
Rather than aim towards presenting new evidence or making recommendations, the studies will be broad and comprehensive, to provide insight into the workings of the Libyan economy, society and governance system, identify key challenges and opportunities, and ask astute questions that aim to precipitate intellectual debate on institution building and alternative socioeconomic frameworks for sustainable development in Libya.
These studies will use the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a benchmark and will seek to identify potential priority themes that could serve as entry points or catalyst for broader transformative change and assist Libya’s progress in achieving the SDGs. Each study will be enriched through consultations, or Expert Meetings Groups, held for each of the three pillars. Once the baseline studies are finalized, participants in the dialogue groups will discuss key questions identified beforehand.

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