14-15 December 2019

Intellectual Property Rights for Agricultural Research and Innovation and its Impact on the Economic Development

Group Picture of Participants
  • Amman, Jordan

ETC is collaborating with AARINENA and iPARK at the Royal Scientific Society to conduct a workshop on management of intellectual property rights and technology transfer in agricultural innovation, and their importance for socioeconomic development, 14-15 December 2019 in Amman, Jordan. The workshop will provide research scientists, NTTO officers, and research managers with an exposure on diverse topics on intellectual property management (patents, designs, copyrights, traditional knowledge, trademarks), the International Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) system or plant breeders’ rights, case studies on patents, evaluating and managing patent, and intellectual property licensing and commercialization.     
The specific objectives are to:

  1. Build capacity in different types of intellectual property rights and explore its role in promoting economic development, particularly in industrial and agriculture sector;
  2. Draw attention to the importance of intellectual property (IP) management and intellectual property rights (IPRs) in global policy for agricultural research and innovation;
  3. Explore the opportunities and challenges facing agricultural innovators, to strengthen regional innovation performance;
  4. Provide transparent means and channels for facilitating the technology and knowledge transfer to Industry and business and enhancing the role of entrepreneurship and innovation; and
  5. Develop networking and partnerships for effective intellectual assets management at national, regional and international levels.

Initiatives: Innovation policies

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