14-16 March 2022

Gender mainstreaming in monitoring and evaluation tools and financial plans

  • Damascus, Syria
Contact information

The workshop on “Gender Mainstreaming in Strategic Planning and Development of Associated Monitoring and Evaluation Tools and Financial Plans” comes within the framework of the technical cooperation signed between ESCWA and the Government of Syria on 3 December 2019 relating to women’s empowerment. The workshop aims to build the capacities of the Syrian Commission for Family Affairs and Population and its partners in monitoring and evaluation tools and financial plans, which in turn contributes to the implementation of the Commission’s national programmes.

The workshop includes:

  • Presentations and discussions on the guiding principles and key tools for mainstreaming gender in planning and monitoring and evaluation plans;
  • Group exercises in which participants put the knowledge gained from the presentations into practice.

The workshop will bring together representatives of relevant governmental bodies as well as civil society organisations active in the field of gender-responsive policy in Syria.

Outcome document

  • Continue to provide support and build on the content of the training to support the participants in developing strategic plans in their ministries.
  • Ensure that the cross-sectoral team meets periodically and work together in developing national strategies on gender issues.


The training programme aimed to introduce mainstreaming gender consideration into strategic planning. The workshop combined both theoretical as well as practical elements, whereby the two facilitators introduced concepts and then facilitated working sessions to allow participants to put the concept into practice.


The workshop was designed through a series of 11 sessions where international standards on equality between men and women were introduced followed by an introduction on key concepts relating to strategic planning including: theory of change, results-based management, SMART indicators, developing Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks and developing cost plans for national strategies.


The workshop was held in Damascus, Syria in partnership between ESCWA and the Syrian Commission for Family Affairs and Population.

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