27 September 2021

Beirut time


Fourth review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing - second workshop

  • Online

The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) was adopted by the Second World Assembly on Ageing in April 2002. It follows a comprehensive approach to development that links questions of ageing with other frameworks related to human rights and social and economic development. Every five years, MIPAA is reviewed and appraised. National reports on progress made are prepared and then consolidated in a regional report that contributes to the Secretary-General's report submitted to the Commission on Social Development in its regular session.

ESCWA launched the process of the fourth review of MIPAA. It agreed with member States on the review methodology and prepared a guiding template to assist countries in preparing their national reports. ESCWA also organized a capacity-building workshop on preparing national reports on 8 April 2021, attended by focal points on ageing from 14 Arab countries. 

ESCWA organized a second workshop to review the progress made in preparing national MIPAA reports on 27 September 2021. The workshop provided a platform for countries to discuss the preliminary results of national reports and preparations for the regional review of MIPAA in 2022, and facilitated peer learning.




Initiatives: Older persons

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