The full success of the energy transition in the Arab region is largely tied to strengthening the regional cooperation and trade among Arab countries and represents a fruitful avenue to support more sustainable energy systems. The benefits of deploying clean energy systems, smart grids, and green corridors are numerous and crucial to diversify the region’s energy mix while developing grid interconnections between countries towards a pan-Arab electricity market. This will be complemented by promoting local and regional cooperation on the manufacturing of renewable energy components. To catalyse this substantial transition and as a result increase energy resilience, access to finance and the increased investment in human resources will prove vital in building essential infrastructure and sustainably financing future energy programs.
In this context, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) jointly with the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) are organizing a virtual side event “Energy transition in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities” on the sideline of the “2020 Global Energy Interconnection and Asian Energy and Power Conference”.
The side event will focus on the Arab region and address progress towards SDG7, the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition, regional electricity interconnection and electricity market, the role clean energy investments and renewable energy can play, and the role of access to finance in accelerating the transition.
4 November 2020
Beirut time
Energy Transition in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities Side Event
Initiatives: Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies