23 April 2020

The Emerging Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Security in the Arab Region

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ESCWA organized a virtual dialogue on the emerging impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Food Security in the Arab region on April 23, 2020. The dialogue was attended by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for the Near East, officials responsible for food security issues in relevant ministries in the Arab countries, as well as a group of regional and local experts. The dialogue aimed at exchanging experiences and information to benefit from available and successful experiences at the local and regional level for enhancing and ensuring food security in these new and difficult circumstances.

In its presentation, ESCWA informed participants of the impact of emerging challenges of Covid-19 Pandemic on food security in the Arab region and proposed a set of regional and local measures to alleviate their impact. Regional organizations and experts advised on the most important issues and measures that should be taken in these circumstances which has left its mark on all aspects of life. The dialogue concluded by emphasizing on the importance of holding periodic communication to ensure continued sustainability of the agricultural and food sectors. Development of an electronic platform has been proposed to build resilience by documenting countries’ initiatives and measures to encourage the exchange of experiences and lessons learnt.

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