11-12 May 2022

Draft national strategy for older persons in the Syrian Arab Republic

  • Damascus
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The Syrian Arab Republic is experiencing a rapid increase in the number and proportion of older persons, which reached 7.2 per cent of the total population in 2015, accounting for almost 1.7 million persons. The number of older persons is expected to reach 5.7 million in 2050Older persons have suffered as a result of the crises that have afflicted the Syrian Arab Republic in recent years, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of Government efforts to respond to population priorities in general and to older persons’ needs in particular, the Syrian Commission for Family and Population Affairs, with the support of ESCWA, has developed a draft national strategy for older persons in the Syrian Arab Republic 2021-2030.

The present workshop reviews the draft strategy with the participation of representatives of relevant ministries, Government agencies, and civil society in addition to representatives of the Syrian Commission for Family and Population Affairs and ESCWA experts.

Initiatives: Older persons

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