6-7 December 2023

Discussion on the guidance note for comprehensive national reviews of Beijing +30

  • Amman, Jordan (Kempinski Hotel)
Contact information

The ESCWA Centre for Women, in partnership with the League of Arab States and UN-Women, is organizing a regional workshop to present and discuss the guidance note for comprehensive national reviews, as part of the Review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action after 30 years.

The workshop aims to help Arab States prepare national reviews of progress in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action after 30 years. It focuses on the structure and content of national reports in accordance with the guidance note for comprehensive national reviews, prepared by the secretariat of the Commission on the Status of Women and the five United Nations regional commissions. The workshop tackles how the reports are linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 5 on gender equality and women's empowerment.


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