28 January 2021

Beirut time

Regional Consultation

Dialogue with Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms on the GCM Regional Review in the Arab Region

  • Online

In line with the Global Compact on Migration guiding principles that call for a whole-of-government and whole-of society approach in the GCM, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) organized an online dialogue with Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms (ISCMs) on the GCM Regional Review in the Arab Region on 28 January 2021, in cooperation with the members of the Regional UN Network on Migration in the Arab Region.

The dialogue aimed to:

  1.  provide ISCMs with an overview of the recent developments on migration governance especially at the regional level and highlighting the new structures in place for coordination on migration;
  2. provide a brief overview of the regional review process and the timeline towards the 2021 Regional Review Conference;
  3. exchange experiences and stocktaking on ISCMs’ activities in support of the implementation, follow-up and review of the GCM;
  4. discuss with the ISCMs means to optimize their engagement with and contribution to the regional review.
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