22 December 2021

Beirut time


Challenges to women’s empowerment in technology and entrepreneurship: State of Palestine


The roundtable workshop gathers key actors advocating for women’s rights across all sectors to discuss the main challenges that women in the State of Palestine face in their daily lives, with a specific focus on access to technology and entrepreneurial opportunities. The discussion features ESCWA preliminary research findings on the status of women in the State of Palestine and the Women Empowerment Ecosystem map (State of Palestine) developed by the Arab Women Empowerment in Technology and Entrepreneurship programme.

The roundtable discussion creates a bridge between the ESCWA Technology Centre and the country’s key actors, enabling the development of a study that presents the main national challenges and recommendations related to women’s status in the Arab region. This feeds into building a sustainable work plan and national supporting strategies regarding ESCWA efforts to reduce discrimination against women across the region.

Initiatives: Technology Centre

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