In an increasingly global economy, the need to harness science, technology and innovation (STI) has become quite evident. As globalization has enhanced the dissemination of knowledge and expertise, there is a pressing need to couple STI outcomes with business enterprises and practical applications in the industrial and technical domains.
ESCWA resolution 294 (XXVI) and the Statute of the Technology Centre were adopted in May 2010 at the twenty-sixth ESCWA ministerial session to formalize the Centre’s establishment. This resolution was endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council through its resolution 2010/5 on the establishment of the ESCWA Technology Centre and its governing statute.
The Centre is located in the Jordanian capital Amman, within the Royal Scientific Society’s premises. The Host Country Agreement for the Centre was signed between the United Nations and Jordan in December 2010.
Our approach
The Centre is a technology facilitating body for the Arab region in green and frontier technology fields. It supports ESCWA member States and local communities in accessing, transferring, and scaling up appropriate technologies, with a focus on empowering Arab women and young people in technology and entrepreneurship.
- Objective 1: Improve the capacity of Arab MSMEs to digitize their business, scale up, and access regional and international markets, in addition to strengthening national enabling environments.
- Objective 2: Enhance member States’ performance to design their STI for SDG roadmaps and improve their national technology transfer systems.
- Objective 3: Improve Arab communities’ knowledge, capacity, regional cooperation, and policy integration on green and frontier technologies.
- Objective 4: Empower Arab young people and women through skill development and supportive tools in technology and entrepreneurship.
Our partners
Royal Scientific Society (RSS); International Camber of Commerce (ICC); Cewas; AIDSMO; ASRT; WANA; League of Arab States; Mercy Corps.