29 March 2021

Beirut time


Auditing the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Region

  • Online
AFSD 2021 Special Session #2

Background and objective

Supreme Audit Institutes (SAI) are national entities entrusted with the inspection of public funds and the quality and integrity of public financial data. Their mandates and efficacy vary following systems of governance and government policies. SAIs could play a key role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and in the follow-up and review process, promoting efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability. This special session aims at: - enhancing awareness and understanding of the role of Supreme Audit Institutes (SAIs) in follow-up and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda; - initiating dialogue between SAIs, government officials, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders in the region with a view to create synergies for better follow-up, review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda; and - shedding light on the key takeaways from preparedness audits undertaken in Arab countries and on the significance and key components of target 3d audits.


Questions to be addressed

1. What is the role of SAIs in the Arab region and the extent of their engagement with the 2030 Agenda?

2. What are the key achievements, lessons learned and recommendations from implemented audits of SDG preparedness by SAIs in Arab countries?

3. What is different about auditing SDG implementation?

4. How will SAIs contribute to public health resilience through the audit of SDG target 3.d.?



Mr. Karam Karam, Regional Advisor on Governance, ESCWA, Lebanon


Opening Remarks

Ms. Karima El Korri, Leader, 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination Cluster, ESCWA, Lebanon

H.E. Mr. Nejib Gtari, Secretary General of the Arab Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutes (ARABOSAI), Tunisia •

Ms. Archana Shirsat, Deputy Director General, Professional and Relevant SAIs Department, IDI, Norway Panelists

Mr. Mohammed Ben Hamdan Ben Saeed Ben Hamad Al Jabiri, Audit Expert, State Audit Institution, Oman

Mr. Abdelhakim Ben Lazreg, Senior Manager - SAI Governance Department, IDI, Norway

Ms. Majdoleen Sammour, Head of the Performance Audit Division, State Audit Administrative Control Bureau, State of Palestine

Mr. Mohammed Abed El Mohsen Hanine, Head of Division in the Fourth Chamber, Audit Court, Morocco

Mr. Saad Bourkadi, on Mission Assignment with the Prime Minister, Responsible for Following-up on the Implementation of the SDGs - Prime Minister’s Office, Morocco

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