6 September 2023

Beirut time

Expert Group Meeting

Arab Business Legislative Frameworks

  • Beirut, Lebanon
Contact information

Within its mandate to improve competition and consumer protection and to contribute to the development of robust business legislative frameworks in the Arab region, ESCWA is organizing an expert group meeting on reviewing the Arab Business Legislative Frameworks Report 2023.

The meeting aims to introduce and discuss the findings, insights and updates of the 2023 report, which delves into the different legal regulations that influence how businesses operate. It also addresses the consequences of legislative changes in the Arab region, with emphasis on improving corporate governance. The 2023 report studies the four areas examined in the 2021 edition, namely competition, anti-corruption measures, foreign investments and consumer protection, and introduces a fifth field on corporate law.

The meeting serves as a platform for experts and policymakers invited to participate in the peer review process to provide constructive feedback on the report's contents and methodology and ensure its precision, inclusivity and relevance.

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