4-6 December 2022

Arab Agro Forum: food security in the face of challenges

  • Amman, Jordan

The Arab Agro Forum is being organized collaboratively by the League of Arab States, ESCWA and other regional partners.

The forum reviews and discusses challenges the Arab region is facing, opportunities and available solutions, including the Strategy for Sustainable Arab Agricultural Development 2020-2030; the use of modern technology in the agriculture sector in Jordan; and policy coordination mechanisms between the agriculture and water sectors. 

The forum also addresses opportunities for climate financing, investment in sustainable agriculture and the role of the private sector in sustainable agriculture development in the Arab region, which can enhance the resilience of food systems and water security.

Outcome document

Institutionalize a strong monitoring and coordination mechanism to implement the resolutions of Algeria Summit on Arab Food Security:

  • Develop the action plan to implement the cluster of programmes endorsed by the Arab summit in Algeria including identification of tasks and roles of each party within a set time frame,
  • establishment of an Arab Sovereign Facility dedicated to supporting Arab farmers, especially small farmers,
  • Establish a network of Arab experts, Arab and international organizations to develop a response plan to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and Food security,

Linking Science to policy:

  • Invest in scientific research and innovation in the field of agriculture and food security combined with institutional linkages between Science and Policy.

Modernize and customize Capacity building and education

  • Design and promote customized education and training based on needs assessment of engineers, entrepreneurs, farmers, extensionists, media, NGOs, CSOs and decision makers

Emphasize the sustainability of the resources and ecosystems

  • Mainstream the sustainability considerations related to water, land and ecosystems while planning and implementing agriculture and food security plans and programs

Raising awareness

  • Diversify tools of knowledge, know-how and technology transfer
  • Adapt the communication channels to the target audience

Reform the subsidy systems and social protection instruments

  • Targeted subsidies to encourage sustainable and smart production of strategic food commodities
  • Innovative financial schemes promoting economic diversification to stabilize the small scale farmers
  • Promote risk mitigation and risk transfer from small and medium scale farmers to mitigate the impact of climate extreme events on agriculture and local food security systems

Enhance Regional trade cooperation in agriculture, and food   commodities and services

  • Increase the share of the agricultural sector in subsidies and cancel or reduce all taxes and customs fees imposed on agricultural production inputs between Arab countries, which facilitates the flow and exchange of agricultural commodities, food products between Arab countries.
  • Importance of Arab Agro Forum to be  based in Amman, Jordan, and call for convening of the second session of the Arab Agro Forum  in the last quarter of next year 2023.

Event details

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