29-30 July 2019

Advanced Workshop on Deploying Institutional Gaps Assessment Methodology in Yemen: Training of Trainers

  • Beirut, Lebanon

The workshop is a training of trainers for senior Yemeni civil servants working in human resources management and planning. The workshop is dedicated to apply the institutional gaps assessment methodology within Yemeni ministries and departments that will be concerned with the recovery and reconstruction process.

The workshop is divided into two parts. In its first part, the workshop will tackle:

  1. How to develop a detailed assessment questionnaire based on the priorities and capacities evaluated and identified;
  2. the methodology for completing the questionnaire; and
  3. analyzing the results of the questionnaire.

Previous training workshops and previous questionnaires will be used as lessons learned to explore challenges and opportunities for improvement. In its second part, workshop focuses on:

  1. how to develop and evaluate various indicators used in the institutional gaps assessment process;
  2. interpret and translate indicators into an institutional gaps assessment; and
  3. formulate an institutional capacity development program.

Initiatives: Development challenges

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