28 November 2019
Expert Group Meeting

The 2nd Meeting of the Group of Experts on Fossil Fuels (GEFF)

  • Amman, Jordan

In order to help member States to formulate sustainable energy policies and strategies, and upon a recommendation by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Committee on Energy (CoE) at its 11th session (14-16 May 2017, Cairo) addressed to ESCWA Secretariat, to form an Expert Group on Fossil Fuels (GEFF), as a sub-committee of the CoE, working in accordance with the ESCWA rules and United Nations regulations in that regard. It aims to provide a forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue and exchange of information on: promoting sustainable and clean energy production, distribution and consumption of fossil fuels, role of natural gas, methane and carbon management, technology transfer and innovation, climate change actions, and any new initiatives and topics that are in line with the strategic framework and work program of ESCWA.  The 1rst meeting of GEFF was held on 5 Dec. 2018 in the UN house in Beirut.

The 2nd Meeting of the GEFF will take place on 28 November 2019, Jordan, Amman, at the Kempinski Hotel. The GEFF 2nd meeting aims to present activities, within the context of the recommendations of the 1st meeting, concerning gas flaring, challenges and opportunities for liquefaction, the potential of hydrogen as a clean green energy for the future, along with the position of oil shale projects in Jordan, and any other topics that may arise at that time. It will also, discuss the dynamics of the oil and gas market and its impact on the Arab region, as well as update of MCs national activities in the field of fossil fuels to be provided by Official representatives. There will be an opportunity to exchange experiences and views and make proposals in relevance to the national priority areas for implementation over the next year.

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