ESCWA outreach activities

The outreach programme of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management aims to help prepare university students for the Competitive Examinations for Language Positions (CELPs) to overcome succession-planning challenges. From 17 to 19 May 2021, ESCWA virtually hosted the Seventh Conference of the Network of MoU Universities.

Universite Saint Joseph (USJ) is the ESCWA partner university. Through the outreach programme, CMS outlines the work of United Nations language professionals to students, familiarizes them with the required skills, provides training sessions, and offers internships.

Language conference. Photo: ESCWA

To prepare USJ students for the CELPs, CMS language professionals visit USJ to deliver yearly seminars in:

  • UN examination
  • UN terminology database use
  • Arabic editing
  • English editing

CMS offers in-presence and remote internships to students and recent graduates in all the language functions covered by the Section.

Joint activities

CMS implements joint activities with the partner university, holds information sessions, and organizes cultural events.

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