17 June 2022

Beirut time

Special event

ESCWA Stories Day

  • United Nations House, Beirut
Contact information

ESCWA, in cooperation with Lebanese National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is organizing ESCWA Stories Day dedicated to children, in recognition of their vital role in the development process.

The event engages creative students from seven schools from the UNESCO Associated Schools Network in Lebanon to demonstrate their knowledge of the objectives, values and impacts of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on their daily lives. The students perform a number of plays and hold an exhibition of their artistic creations.

ESCWA Stories Day marks the culmination of five months of student engagement and interaction with ESCWA Stories. Their activities reflect the message of the comic book inspired by ESCWA’s mission and its approach in tackling the challenges faced by Member States in the Arab region.

Achievements inspired by ESCWA Stories

Al Hadi Institute for Deaf, Blind and Learning Disabilities
Abi Bakr El Siddeeq School – Makassed
Rafic Hariri High School  - Saida
Mekhitarist Fathers School
Al kawthar High School
Ali Ben Abi Taleb School – Makassed
Collège des Sœurs des Saints Cœurs – Bauchrieh
School children from Lebanon perform at UN-House, inspired by ESCWA Stories


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