
The Strength of Competition Policy and Regulation in the Arab Region – Application of OECD Indicators to selected Arab Countries in 2015 cover


Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Financing for development, Governance & enabling environment, Statistics

Initiatives: Social Expenditure Monitor for Arab States

SDGs: Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Keywords: Arab countries, Competition policy, Economic indicators, Governance

The Strength of Competition Policy and Regulation in the Arab Region – Application of OECD Indicators to selected Arab Countries in 2015

January 2016

The present paper summarizes the finding of the survey on competition policy strength in Arab countries. The results of the survey highlight that there is a clear push towards the development of competition regimes in the region and that the efforts in the Arab region are strong in comparison with the OECD average. The survey also shows the need for improvement in terms of independence of competition authorities and procedural fairness.

In the broader context of economic governance in Arab countries, the paper aiming to build a sustainable and fair “competition culture”, testifies to the commitment of some Arab countries towards establishing better competition policies.

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Financing for development , Governance & enabling environment , Statistics ,
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