
ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2010/2

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Publication Subject: Review of Information and Communications Technology for Development in the Arab Region

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Population dynamics & migration, Technology & innovation, Technology & innovation, Technology & innovation, Technology & innovation, Governance & enabling environment

Keywords: Arab countries, Channels of communication, Clouds, Digital technology, Information technology, Open source software, Serial publications, Technological innovations

Review of Information and Communications Technology for Development in Western Asia, Issue No. 14

January 2010

This issue of the Review of Information and Communications Technology for Development in Western Asia addresses the reality and prospects of the Free and Open Source Software in the Arab region, with a focus on its impact on development, which is manifested in giving opportunities to build local capacity, reducing brain drain, supporting local languages, encouraging knowledge industries in developing countries, contributing to bridging the digital gap and stimulating innovation. The issue also presents a review of the United Nations action in that regard and the pivotal role of the Open Source Software in ensuring the security of information and communications technology applications. Other sections of this issue address scientific innovation among Arab youth through the examination of a number of innovative scientific projects initiated by Arab young people in the context of the “Stars of Science” project. Under the section on information and communications technology applications, this issue highlights the growing interest in “Cloud Computing” in the Arab region with a focus on its benefits and obstacles. It also presents the activities undertaken by ESCWA in the second half of 2010 and the aspects of information and communications technology in daily life.

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