
ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2011/5

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Publication Subject: Review of Information and Communications Technology for Development in the Arab Region

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Financing for development, Technology & innovation, Technology & innovation

Keywords: Arab countries, Communication technology, Economic development, Information technology, Revolutions, Serial publications, Social media

Review of Information and Communications Technology and Development, Issue 16

January 2011

The increased use of communication and social media means in various areas has a significant impact on human interaction, social behavior and social and economical development. Therefore, this issue highlights the role of communication networks and social media, with a focus on the most prominent means, components and ways of using them. It also stresses their major role in Arab revolutions and their current nature. Unlike previous issues, different articles were included in the traditional set sections, which complement the file of the issue and are consistent with it, while shedding light on other research aspects on communication networks and social media in the context of the Arab spring. This issue comprises a brief review of the activities undertaken by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) during the second half of 2011, as well as the presentation of the theories and philosophy of Manuel Castells in his books on communication communities and social media on the internet.

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