
Dissemination and use of data from population and housing census: emerging methods and lessons learned

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2021/TP.3

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Statistics

Initiatives: Population & Housing Censuses

SDGs: Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Keywords: Social statistics, Demography, Population, Housing, Censuses, Information dissemination, Population censuses, Use studies

Dissemination and use of data from population and housing census: Emerging methods and lessons learned

August 2021

The present report examines the most important experiences adopted by developed countries with regard to the dissemination of population and housing census, to be used and adopted as lessons learned, and to help identify products that can be provided to users in the 2020 Census. The report stresses the need for countries to develop strategies for the dissemination of census products before the completion of data collection, and stresses the importance of consulting with users to provide products that meet their expectations, the expectations of decision makers, researchers, university professors and civil society organizations. It concludes with a series of recommendations that would make a significant leap forward in the dissemination of census products.

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