
Communicating population and housing census data: developing a user centric communication strategy

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2021/TP.5

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Statistics

Initiatives: Population & Housing Censuses

SDGs: Agenda 2030

Keywords: Social statistics, Population, Housing, Censuses, Demography, Communication process, Mass communication, Mass media, Censuses

Communicating population and housing census data: Developing a user centric communication strategy

August 2021

The technical paper focuses on the importance of population and housing census data and outputs and communicating them with data users and officials involved in national development planning, and in monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The paper emphasizes the need to consider “communication” as an integral part of the statistical production process and to proactively reach out to professional users, researchers, and the general public, while stressing that the use and analysis of data is part of the official statistics role.

The paper also addresses the various communication tools, data users, digital communication networks, and the importance of using the media and graphics to communicate census data to all users. The paper concludes with an important recommendation, which is the need to develop a communication strategy by both data users and producers, that aims to understand the needs of data users for products that address national and international development, and to monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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