
26 Jul 2019

Beirut, Lebanon

ESCWA hosts the YPP Career Support Programme for the third time

Beirut, 26 July 2019 (ESCWA)--After its success in hosting the Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Career Support Programme in 2011 and 2012 and following a decision by the Office of Human Resources (OHR) to decentralize it starting 2019, ESCWA once again hosted it from 22 to 26 July. The Programme was organized and delivered in its entirety using only ESCWA internal resources.
34 participants from 12 departments took part in the Programme, namely: ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, OHCHR, UNOG, UNCTAD, DESA, DGC, DOS, OLA, UNDSS and ESCWA.
The Programme included sessions on various human resources topics including HR contracts, benefits and entitlements, competency-based interviewing, performance management and career development; the YPP Managed Reassignment Programme; UN reforms; the UN internal justice system; social media; Young UN; and writing for the UN. The group also had the opportunity to hear from more senior UN colleagues on their career and experiences within the Organization, and received tips on how to broaden their skills and manage their careers at the United Nations.
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCWA, Rola Dashti, met with the group twice, on the first and last days of the Programme. On the first day, she welcomed the group and spoke to them about the important role that the Secretary-General had assigned to young staff members through the Young UN network. She also shared her own belief in young staff members’ capacity to positively contribute to the expected changes in the UN.
She added that, since joining ESCWA a few months ago, she had engaged the Young ESCWA team in many important decisions and in implementing needed change. On the last day, Ms. Dashti heard feedback from participants on how inspiring, informative and well-organized the Programme was, before taking group pictures.
The group also visited UNIFIL at its headquarters in the southern town of Naqoura. This was an opportunity for participants to be exposed to the work environment of a peacekeeping mission - a unique experience that ESCWA can offer in Lebanon. The visit included a tour of the main UNIFIL camp, briefings by the operations, political and civil affairs offices, and a presentation on recruitment to UN peacekeeping missions.
Many social activities were also organized, which strengthened bonds between participants. They enjoyed sunset drinks on some of the nicest Beirut rooftops, and savoured traditional dishes and sweets at a closing Lebanese lunch.
Participants gave excellent feedback on the Programme, including the following: “The Programme was informative and inspiring”; “I finally feel introduced to the UN”; “Thank you for this amazing experience and the exceedingly helpful information”.
The participants thoroughly enjoyed their one-week programme at ESCWA and their stay in Beirut, and many expressed their interest in joining ESCWA through the managed reassignment programme or at later stages in their career.
For more information:
-Ms Rania Harb, Public Information Assistant, +961-70-008-879; email:
-Ms Maryam Sleiman, Public Information Assistant, +9611978815, email:
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