
30 Jul 2019


ESCWA Chief holds high-level meetings in Amman

Beirut-Amman, 30 July 2019 (ESCWA)--Today, ESCWA Executive Secretary, Rola Dashti, led a delegation in a visit to Amman, Jordan, where she held a series of high-level meetings.
Dashti met with HRH Prince ElHassan bin Talal who expressed hope in the critical role that ESCWA can play in a multilateral and institutional reconstruction phase of the Arab countries emerging from conflict.
Princess Sumaya
ESCWA Chief also met with HRH Princess Sumaya bint ElHassan, the President of the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan, which hosts ESCWA Technology Centre. Both parties discussed future cooperation especially regarding the Arab Science Forum and technology innovation for sustainable development.

Minister of Agriculture
In addition, Dashti called on the Jordanian Agriculture and Environment Minister, Mr. Ibrahim Shahahdeh, and discussed cooperation on projects related to climate change and agriculture, as well as the ongoing projects with both ministries. She emphasized the importance of exchanging expertise among countries, namely in the field of green technology, and the correlation between agriculture, environment, climate change, food security and farmers’ livelihood.
Dashti reiterated the readiness of ESCWA to support Jordan in developing agricultural databases and linking them to the general statistics for a better planning purpose and to inform decisions so that Jordan can meet its commitments to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Furthermore, the Executive Secretary met with the Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ayman Al Safadi. Discussions tackled mutual cooperation and efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both officials agreed to enhance the collaboration and coordination between the Kingdom, ESCWA and other UN agencies to face economic challenges arising from regional crises.
Minister of Planning
Dashti also met with the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and State Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Mohamad Al-Ississ. The two sides discussed areas of mutual coordination in the future as well as the technical cooperation framework to be signed in the upcoming period and to include major priorities of the Jordanian government in social development, statistics, and information technology, and other areas.
Mr. Al-Ississ voiced his government’s appreciation to the technical support provided by ESCWA in various areas, namely integral social policies, economic integration and development, and statistics, in addition to information technology and communications.
For more information:
-Ms Rania Harb, Public Information Assistant, +961-70-008-879; email:
-Ms Maryam Sleiman, Public Information Assistant, +9611978815, email:
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