
21 Nov 2016

Beirut, Lebanon

16th Meeting of Industrial Research Centres’ Coordination Committee in Arab States

ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC) hosted the sixteenth meeting of the “Industrial Research Centres’ Coordination Committee in Arab States” simultaneously with ESCWA Technical Committee’s meeting, in cooperation with the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organisation (AIDMO). The meeting aimed to overcome the hurdles facing technology transfer and development, and to raise awareness on the significance of industrial research in order to achieve an advanced Arab industry.

The meeting tackled AIDMO’s efforts and plans for years 2017-2018 presented by engineer Saleh Joghdaf, representing AIDMO in his capacity as Director of Research and Development. Also discussed were the mechanisms to activate the organisation’s work in tandem with international institutions like ETC and different Arab research institutions.

ETC National Officer Nael Al Mulki delivered a presentation on the aims of sustainable development and others related to technology in the Arab States. Research centres representatives at the meeting also briefed the attendees on the research and development activities that their respective organisations are carrying out in the different research fields.
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