15 February 2024

Beirut time


Voluntary local reviews: best practices and lessons learned

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The global Voluntary Local Reviews workshop is bringing together experts from 13 countries for a peer exchange on best practices, ways to overcome challenges, and how to strategize the next steps in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level. The event features keynote speeches, presentations from pilot cities, and open discussions to foster collaboration and innovation.

Outcome document

The Global VLR Workshop brought together experts from 13 countries to share insights, strategies, and challenges in localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs).

Key Messages:
  Action-Oriented Recommendations:

  • Actionable recommendations per SDG were captured, emphasizing the importance of policy, institutional, and partnership-based interventions.

 Capacity Building and Data Collection:

  • Recommendations included the creation of business incubators, environmental studies, and flood-prone area mapping to support sustainable urban development.

 Strategic and Evidence-Based Planning:

  • It was recommended that VLR findings be integrated into local policies and programs to align with SDG targets and improve evidence-based planning.

 International Cooperation:

  • The workshop underlined the importance of cooperation with international organizations such as UN-Habitat and UNECA to support local SDG implementation efforts.

The discussions at the Global VLR Workshop centered on the critical need to align local efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with national strategic priorities. Participants highlighted significant challenges, particularly in synchronizing local and national data. The lack of localized data emerged as a persistent issue, necessitating the adaptation of indicators to better reflect local needs and circumstances.

Community engagement was identified as a cornerstone of the VLR process, with participants emphasizing the added value of involving local communities both technically and strategically. This involvement is crucial in ensuring that local governments play a relevant role in delivering on global sustainability goals. However, the discussions also pointed out that effective stakeholder involvement requires enhanced communication skills to build trust and collaboration among diverse groups.

A significant portion of the discussion focused on the challenges related to data collection at the local level. The influence of traditional municipal services on the broader sustainable development mandate was noted as a barrier that needs to be addressed. To overcome these challenges, the workshop participants recommended several capacity-building initiatives, such as the creation of business incubators and environmental studies that could support sustainable urban development.

Moreover, the need for international cooperation was a recurring theme, with discussions underscoring the importance of partnering with organizations like UN-Habitat and UNECA. Such collaborations are seen as vital for supporting local SDG implementation efforts, particularly in areas where resources and expertise may be limited. The overall discussions emphasized the necessity of adopting actionable, locally relevant strategies that can drive sustainable urban development and ensure the successful localization of the SDGs.


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