31 January-1 February 2024

Role of parliamentarians in accelerating women’s economic empowerment

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ESCWA and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, in partnership with UN-Women and the International Labour Organization, are organizing a regional meeting for parliamentarians from Arab States to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) on gender equality.

The meeting aims to raise awareness on the complementarity of the SDGs by showcasing how action on women’s economic empowerment and participation in economic life is integral to the realization of the SDGs as a whole. The meeting tackles existing interlinkages between care policies and human capital development in areas such as childcare and early child education; the rights of groups in vulnerable situations, including older persons and persons with disabilities, and the preservation of their dignity and well-being; and the advancement of gender equality, including through equal care policies.

The meeting provides an opportunity for parliamentarians to exchange experiences and good practices on the development and implementation of care policies in the region. It serves to build political will and capacity among male and female MPs to advance the implementation of SDG target 5.4, and reaffirms the interrelation between the care economy and the other SDGs.

Outcome document

The regional meeting, convened by ESCWA, IPU, UN Women, and ILO, served as a platform to address the critical role of parliamentarians in advancing Sustainable Development Goal 5 (gender equality) in the Arab region. Over two days of intensive discussions, participants highlighted the interconnectedness between gender equality and various facets of development, including women's economic empowerment, care policies, and human capital development. Key themes emerged, including the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the importance of legislative reforms to promote gender equality, and the significance of engaging men in caregiving responsibilities to enhance women's economic empowerment. Participants showcased progress made in several Arab countries, such as Morocco's legislative reforms to protect women's rights and promote gender equality in the workplace, and Egypt's efforts to increase female workforce participation under Vision 2030. Challenges such as unequal distribution of unpaid care work, gender-based disparities in the labour market, and cultural barriers were acknowledged. Recommendations stemming from the discussions emphasized the necessity for parliamentarians to enact legislation supporting women's economic empowerment, including equal pay and protection from workplace harassment, as well as the importance of promoting men's involvement in caregiving responsibilities. Additionally, there were calls for increased attention to atrocities in Gaza and the enforcement of International Court of Justice rulings. The meeting concluded with a commitment to advancing gender equality through legislative reforms, policy interventions, and societal shifts, with a focus on inclusive and equitable development in the Arab region.

  • Discussions focused on the interlinkages between gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, care policies, and human capital development.
  • Key themes emerged, emphasizing the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, attributed to conflicts like the Gaza war.
  • Progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda’s targets was discussed, highlighting persistent challenges attributed to conflicts and economic downturns in the region.
  • The pivotal role of Arab parliaments in overcoming challenges such as limited independence, weak oversight, and corruption was underscored.
  • Efforts made by Arab countries towards gender equality were showcased, such as legislative reforms in Lebanon and Morocco and efforts to increase female workforce participation in Egypt under Vision 2030.
  • Challenges identified included the unequal distribution of unpaid caregiving tasks, gender-based disparities in the workforce, and cultural barriers.
  • Recommendations emphasized the necessity for parliamentarians to enact legislation supporting women's economic empowerment, including equal pay and protection from workplace harassment.
  • Additional recommendations included the importance of promoting men's involvement in caregiving responsibilities and increasing attention to atrocities in Gaza and the enforcement of International Court of Justice rulings.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to advancing gender equality through legislative reforms, policy interventions, and societal shifts, with a focus on inclusive and equitable development in the Arab region.

  1. Interlinkages between Gender Equality and Development Facets:
  • Discussions delved into the complex relationship between gender equality and various aspects of development, including women’s economic empowerment, care policies, and human capital development.
  • Participants explored how gender equality serves as a catalyst for achieving broader development goals, highlighting the need for integrated approaches to address gender disparities across sectors.
  1. Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza:
  • The urgent humanitarian situation in Gaza was a central point of discussion, with participants emphasizing the need for immediate action to address the crisis.
  • Concerns were raised about the impact of conflicts and economic downturns on the well-being of women and girls in Gaza, highlighting the importance of humanitarian assistance and support.
  1. Progress towards 2030 Agenda:
  • Progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 5, was assessed, with attention to challenges hindering progress, such as conflicts and economic instability.
  • Participants discussed strategies to accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda, including the role of parliamentarians in implementing and monitoring SDG-related initiatives.
  1. Role of Arab Parliaments:
  • The pivotal role of Arab parliaments in advancing gender equality and sustainable development was highlighted, alongside challenges faced, such as limited independence and weak oversight.
  • Discussions focused on ways to strengthen parliamentary mechanisms for promoting gender-responsive legislation and policies, including enhancing accountability and transparency.
  1. Efforts in Arab Countries:
  • Success stories and challenges in promoting gender equality were shared, with examples from Arab countries such as Morocco and Egypt.
  • Legislative reforms, economic empowerment initiatives, and efforts to increase female workforce participation were discussed as key strategies for advancing gender equality at the national level.
  1. Challenges and Recommendations:
  • Challenges identified included unequal distribution of caregiving responsibilities, gender-based disparities in the workforce, and cultural barriers perpetuating gender inequality.
  • Recommendations centered on legislative reforms to support women's economic empowerment, promote equal opportunities, and address gender-based violence. Additionally, calls were made for greater male involvement in caregiving responsibilities and increased attention to humanitarian crises affecting women and girls.
  1. Commitment to Action:
  • The meeting concluded with a commitment to collective action towards advancing gender equality through legislative reforms, policy interventions, and societal shifts.
  • Participants pledged to continue collaboration and exchange best practices to overcome challenges and accelerate progress towards gender equality in the Arab region.

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